
Wolves talk to each other by
Long distance HOWLING
AND SHORT DISTANCE whimper, bark, growl and snarl. They are famous for doing that.
Hunting and Eating
Wolves eat deer, elk and rabbits etc. etc.
Please remember this because there will be a quiz at the end.
They can eat up to 20 pounds a day / 200 hotdogs. 
They can usually run faster than their prey.
Wolf pups are born blind and deaf but their eyes open and they start hearing when they are 2 weeks old. Their litter has usually got 4-6 pups. Their toys are bones from kills. They get baby sat while the packs off hunting.
Life in the pack
Alpha wolves put their nose on top of other pack members to show who is boss and the alpha also gets to eat first at every meal. You can get packs with 6-20 wolves. Usually the pack is made of the alphas pups. 

How do wolves talk?
A Chatting
B Squealing
C Howling
D Singing

What do wolves eat?
 A Chicken burgers
B Everything they lay their paws on
C Insects
D Rabbits, deer and elk

How many pups are born in a litter?
A 4
B 5
C 6
D All of above

How many wolves in a pack?
A 30-46
B 40-56
C 1-2
 D 3-100
E 100-5000
F 6-20
G 4-20
H 5-20

1.   C
2.   D
3.   D
4.  F
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You get 4 points.
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